Xoliswa Tini Training Academy, East London




17 Tecoma Street, Berea, 5241 East London

043 726 0541

Opening hours today for Xoliswa Tini Training Academy

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday (TODAY): 08:00-17:00

  • Tuesday: 09:00-17:00

  • Wednesday: 09:00-17:00

  • Thursday: 08:00-17:00

  • Friday: 08:00-17:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 7 May 2024.

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About Xoliswa Tini Training Academy

Our primary focus is to provide knowledge and training for any person who is passionate about proper The Xoliswa Tini Training Academy is based in East London, South Africa, and is the latest addition to the Xoliswa Tini Property group. Our primary focus is to provide knowledge and training for any person who is passionate about property and a career in the industry. Read more

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